Monday, May 14, 2007

Matthew 1:1-17 (The Genealogy of Jesus Christ)

This is the first day of my commitment to start reading the Bible on a daily basis. Reading as in literally reading it, and not just relying on Pastor Prince's Daily Devotion.

I decided to start reading from the gospels onwards.

Matthew 1:1-17

The Genealogy of Jesus Christ

- v.17 "So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations, from David until the captivity in Babylon are fourteen generations, and from the captivity in Babylon until the Christ are fourteen generations."

This verse jumped out at me, and I asked the Lord why the need to emphasise 14 generations from Abraham to David, and from David to Babylon and from Babylon to Jesus Christ.

And the Holy Spirit brought me to refer back to my Theology lectures notes (I was studying Theology in NZ when I went for SEP). And it refreshed my memory that:
  • The genealogy went back to Abraham to show that Jesus was of Jewish descent
  • The genealogy went back to David to show that Jesus was of kingly descent

As for the emphasis on the sets of 14 generations:

14 = 2 x 7.

7 = perfect number/perfection,

Hence 14 = perfection to the power of 2.

My lecture notes stopped there. But the Holy Spirit continued to show me that there were 3 sets of 14 generations.

3 = divine order !!!

Praise the Lord!


selene YAP said...

your notes are quite short eh? haha! thats interesting. reading the gospels is a good place to start. go listen to the love story of Ruth and Pastor talks about how every name in the geneology means something. and it makes out "The bridge is enclosed by my high and exalted noble kinsman with enchantment in His garment, in Him is strength to serve one who is His beloved". thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

My dear Shepherdess,
How come u so zun one..........
I just bought the Love Story of Ruth not long ago and it's sitting here still unopened......