Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Management By Proverbs

Hi CG, as you can tell by now, I'm focusing on the book of Proverbs this whole month for 31 days. At the same time, I'm also reading a book called "Management by Proverbs - Applying Timeless Wisdom in the Workplace" by Michael A Zigarelli. It's basically a book for managers on applying the principles of Proverbs at your workplace.

I just finished the book, and I'm so awe-struck by part of its conclusion that I just have to share it here. Although it uses the context of the "workplace", you can just change that word to "school" or "home" or "church", and it makes perfect sense!

For those of us who, for whatever reason, overlook the Father's instruction to "pay attention to my wisdom," Proverbs 19:27 speaks bluntly to the possible consequences:

"Stop listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge."

The verse tells us what we know to be true from personal experience. When there is a hiatus in our exposure to God's wisdom - when we "stop listening to instruction" - we become increasingly deaf to Scripture's advice for decision making. We tend to "stray from the words of knowledge," from God's path, in favour of the displeasing alternative. In the workplace, many of us construct our managerial house on the quicksand of human experience rather than building it on the rocks of divine wisdom. The natural result is that we sink into whatever thinking pattern is typical for our organisation, thereby becoming largely indistinguishable from our unbelieving and nominally believing colleagues. Sadly, our deafness to God's wisdom renders our witness mute.

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