Wednesday, March 12, 2008

a people undeserving

was expecting a sermon during servers night yesterday, but it didn't happen. but Daddy never shortchanges us, does He.

pastor benjamin shared a little here and there throughout the service/programme, and i don't know why selene knows but something pastor said became a rhema for me to meditate on for quite a while, especially during this trying period.

"it's not what you have, but what you don't have that qualifies you for everything He has."

i know this is not new but that is the thing about the Word. this semester God must have something wonderful in store for me, or else i wouldn't be attacked in this. been really into schoolwork these days, and undeniably i have been whining to God, "God, i need time leh.", "argh God what is this? got so many things to do already!!!", "i need You Lord."

but Jesus is ever so full of grace. He says, "your very disqualification is qualifies you for My blessings." nevermind the apparent lack of time, energy, strength; when i cannot, God can. i mean, His hands are greater than mine aren't they? i know He has provided, and the Word that goes forth shall not return void.

i thank God He is faithful. whatever that you need, it's already given to you, paid by Jesus in full. do you believe it?

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