Sunday, March 30, 2008

of words and Wisdom

had befriender's training at charis' castle, and as i re-read the training manual i saw 1 Col 4:6.

Ask God to anoint your lips, that 'your speech will always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man'.

yes, it is the verse again, "let your words be seasoned with grace..." but it was the later part of the verse which spoke to me. because with it, you'll never have to worry during interviews anymore, which was something i used to be quite anxious about. and it's amazing because i just had an unexpected interview (ok, actually just a couple of questions really) yesterday for some research work during the vacation. it went well, of course, and it coming unexpectedly left me with no time to worry about it. hahaha-

on another note, i realised that after so much training etc, it's our personal relationship with Daddy that will ultimately equip us in serving, in being led to the right people at the right time, in speaking into their lives.

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